
Privacy Notice - Camera system

The Dr. Szemerédi Medical Ltd. Szeged, Korda utca 18.

Dr. Szemerédi Medical Ltd. operates an electronic monitoring and recording system in the building at 18 Korda utca, Szeged. Cameras have been installed on the facade of the building and in the interior, and a DVR device has been installed to record the images. 

The exact locations of the cameras, the areas monitored and the purpose of the monitoring are set out in Annex 1, which forms part of this information note.

The controller of the personal data:

Dr. Szemerédi Medical Ltd. (head office: 6725 Szeged, Korda u. 18., e-mail: data protection officer: Tompáné Kádár Andrea, contact: + 36 70 620 6343

Purpose of the processing:

is intended to protect human life and limb, to guard dangerous substances and equipment, to guard a large amount of special categories of personal health data, and to exercise the company's rights and obligations relating to the protection of its property, in particular to prevent, detect, interrupt, catch offenders in the act and prove infringements.

Legal basis for processing:

 Processing pursuant to Article 6(1)(f) of EU Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), processing is necessary for the purposes of the controller's legitimate interests.

Pursuant to Article 6 of Act XLVII of 1997 on the Protection of Health and Related Personal Data (Eüad), the security of health and personal data must be ensured during the processing and handling of health and personal data against accidental or intentional destruction, destruction, alteration, damage, disclosure and against unauthorised access.

Type of personal data processed:

Image of the data subject and other personal data recorded

Duration of processing:

Recorded footage may be retained for a maximum of 7 (seven) calendar days unless used. Use is considered to be when the recorded images and other personal data are intended to be used as evidence in judicial or other official proceedings.

The location of the data storage:

the recordings were made by Dr. Szemerédi Medical Ltd. Szeged, Korda u. 18. In order to ensure the secure handling of personal data, the data stored on the target hardware (recorder) is protected by a personal username and password, which can be used to identify who has access to the data and when.

Data processor:

The data controller does not use a data processor.

Data processing activities:

does not happen

Use of the recordings:

exclusively to Dr. Szemerédi Medical Ltd.purpose of processingpoint 1.1.2, and personal data recorded by the cameras in the course of official proceedings by public authorities and courts authorised by law. 

You are entitled to view real-time images from the cameras:

Managing Director of Dr. Szemerédi Medical Ltd.

You are entitled to view the recordings from the cameras:

only for the purpose of processing may be inspected by the Managing Director of Dr. Szemerédi Medical Ltd. in order to investigate the cases specified in point (a).

View the recordings from the cameras:

from purpose of processing for the purposes set out in point (a), is only possible if it is for a genuine and legitimate purpose.

Dr. Szemerédi Medical Ltd. shall keep a record of the access to the recorded data, the name(s) of the person(s) who made the access, the reason for access and the time of access.

You have the right to save the camera recordings on a storage medium:

The managing director of the company or a person authorised by him.

Warning signs for camera operation:

Dr. Szemerédi Medical Ltd. placed a pictogram on the entrance doors of the institution, in the lobby (waiting room), in a clearly visible place, in a clearly legible manner, to draw the attention of third parties wishing to enter the area.

Information on the operation of the cameras:

The Dr. Szemerédi Medical Ltd. makes information on the fact of surveillance conducted by the electronic surveillance system, as well as on the purpose of the creation and storage of image and sound recordings containing personal data recorded by the system, the legal basis of data management, the place of storage of the recording, the duration of storage, the persons entitled to access the data, and the provisions on the rights of the data subjects and the procedure for their enforcement available on the website of the institution and in the lobby (waiting room).

Rights of data subjects:

The data subject may, within three working days of the recording of the image, submit a documented request that the data not be destroyed or deleted by the controller.

The person recorded may request information about the recording made of him or her by the electronic surveillance system, request a copy or, if the recording includes another person, have access to the recording without prejudice to the interests of the other person. The data subject may request the erasure or destruction of the recording or object to its processing.

Dr. Szemerédi Medical Ltd. does not operate an electronic surveillance system in any premises where the surveillance may violate human dignity, in particular in surgeries, examination rooms, changing rooms, showers, toilets, and in premises designated for the purpose of employees' breaks.

By using the electronic monitoring system, Dr. Szemerédi Medical Ltd. does not control the privacy of its employees, no profiling or behavioural analysis is carried out, and the employee's workplace behaviour is not influenced.

The data subject may lodge a complaint about the processing of personal data concerning him or her to the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (1055 Budapest, Falk Miska u. 9-11., postal address 1363 Budapest, Pf.:9, email: +36-1-391-1400), you can apply to the Szeged General Court for legal redress.

Data transmission:

in the event of infringement or criminal proceedings, to the authorities or courts conducting them.

The scope of the data that can be transferred:

recordings made by the camera system containing only information relevant to the subject matter of the procedure.

Dr. Szemerédi Medical Ltd. informs the parties concerned about the location, the target area (angle of view) and the purpose of the cameras as follows:

Number of cameras installed: 5 in total.

The cameras installed areas observed by: