Dr. Árpád Kormányos

Dr. Árpád Kormányos

Booking by phone
H - P | 8:00 - 20:00

When should you see a cardiologist?
Cardiovascular disease can take many forms and can pose serious risks
your health. It is important to recognise the signs of heart problems early and get the right medical help
ask for. If you experience any of the following symptoms, don't delay - see Dr. Kormányos
Árpád cardiologist at the Korda Clinic!

Here are 8 common symptoms that could indicate heart disease:

1️⃣ Pain radiating into the arm - This is often one of the first warning signs of heart problems.
2️⃣ Choking or chest pain on exertion - Especially if there is no other explanation, it is worth asking for a cardiological examination.
3️⃣ High anxiety - Heart problems can often trigger anxiety.
4️⃣ Swollen feet, ankles, feet - These can be typical symptoms of heart failure.
5️⃣ Loss of appetite and nausea - Often associated with heart disease.
6️⃣ Skin rash or unusual patches - May be a sign of certain heart conditions.
7️⃣ Loss of consciousness or fainting - May indicate serious heart problems.
+1️⃣ Pale, bluish skin - A sign of oxygen deficiency, which may indicate heart problems.

Why choose Dr. Árpád Kormányos cardiologist?

Dr. Árpád Kormányos has outstanding experience and knowledge in the field of cardiological care.
Our fast, thorough and patient-centred approach ensures that you get the best care, whether you're in a
you need a simple cardiological check-up or a more complex heart problem. A
At Korda Clinic we offer modern diagnostic tools and personalised treatment plans
our patients to achieve the best possible results for their cardiovascular health
to preserve.

Cardiology Services at the Korda Clinic:

 Cardiology screening: Annual cardiological screening is essential for early detection of heart disease
to recognise. Dr. Kormányos uses state-of-the-art equipment to perform screenings so that you
get the treatment you need in time.
 First cardiological examination: During the detailed consultation, Dr. Kormányos will assess your
your health, risk factors and lifestyle. The test with ECG and echocardiogram
is completed in order to make an accurate diagnosis.
 ECG test: An ECG helps to detect heart rhythm disturbances and other heart problems. It can
painless procedure gives an immediate picture of the heart's electrical activity.
 Cardiac ultrasound scan: Ultrasound is a noninvasive method of obtaining a detailed picture of the heart
structure and function, helping to identify heart valve disease.

Dr. Árpád Kormányos' practice offers a friendly, supportive atmosphere where your health is always at the
is in first place. Take the first step for your heart health and contact us with confidence at
Korda Clinic!

Life course

2010 - 2016

University of Szeged, Faculty of General Medicine, "summa cum laude", split first class

2011 - 2016

TDK student, SZTE, Institute of Physiology (supervisor: Dr. Antal Berényi, adjunct professor), In vivo investigation of hippocampal and neocortical oscillatory processes

2013 - 2016

TDK student, SZTE, Department of Internal Medicine and Cardiology, Division of Invasive Cardiology (Supervisors: Dr. Attila Nemes, Professor, Dr. Viktor Sasi, Assistant Professor)


1st prize in Operative Clinical Section and 1st prize of Kaali Foundation, Local TDK Conference - TDK project based on the presentation also won 1st prize


1st prize in Life Sciences Pathology Section, Local TDK Conference. 1st prize in Life Sciences Pathology Section as second author. Local TDK Conference. - Participation with three presentations at the National TDK Conference - Sófi Foundation, Distinguished Trustee Award.


Sófi Foundation, Distinguished Board of Trustees Award - SZTE Talent Silver Award

2016 - 2019

University of Szeged, Faculty of General Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine - PhD student (from 2017.01.01.2017 correspondence student in addition to residency training.


Ph.D. degree, summa cum laude Title: Left ventricular abnormalities in different disorders Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Attila Nemes

2017 - 2020

SZTE ÁOK, II Department of Internal Medicine and Cardiology Centre - cardiology training and internal medicine residency training


Examination in cardiology, passed with distinction

Price list

First examination (ECG + cardiac ultrasound + specialised examination)
Cardiac ultrasound
Follow-up examination within 6 months (ECG + specialised examination - without echocardiogram)
Follow-up after 6 months (ECG + cardiac ultrasound only after 6 months)
ECG test without expert opinion
ECG test with specialist certificate
Recipe description
Prices are indicative.

Book your appointment now!

We can accommodate you in our clinics, after booking an appointment.

Booking by phone

H - P | 8:00 - 20:00