Dr Grünberg Gábriel

Dr Grünberg Gábriel

Booking by phone
H - P | 8:00 - 20:00

Grünberg Dentistry in Szeged, at the Korda Clinic, offers its patients modern dental instruments and equipment. Our highly trained staff and collaborating dental technicians are constantly working to provide you with the treatment you need, whether it is general dentistry, prosthodontics or oral surgery.

Take a look at our wide range of dental treatments, including everything from simple fillings and root canal treatment, to plaque removal, dentures and dental implants.

Make an appointment with us or book an appointment online now and let's do something for your health together!

Life course


University of Szeged Dental degree


Practical years in Sopron, Makó and Szeged at the first private clinic of Dr. Szemerédi Medical Ltd.


Dental and Oral Diseases qualification, completion of an implantation course and 2 years' experience in implantation


Szeged Oral Surgery Clinic, Dento-Alveolar Practice


Master of Science in Oral Surgery and Implantology degree in Austria at Danubius University


Hand-on-course training and lecturing teacher


The Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Szeged recognised my 25 years of work with the title of Chief Physician.


Multi-module implantation course organised by Dr. Steigman Marius


Lecturer and lecturer for Hungarian and foreign graduate students at the University of Szeged.


Book your appointment now!

Booking illustration. Vase with carnation bouquet and diary
We can accommodate you in our clinics, after booking an appointment.

Booking by phone

H - P | 8:00 - 20:00